Bonds have a number of characteristics of which you need to be aware. All of these factors play a role in determining the value of a bond and the extent to which it fits in your portfolio.
Face Value / Par Value
The face value (also known as the par value or principal) is the amount of money a holder will get back once a bond matures. A newly issued bond sells at the par value. Corporate bonds normally have a par value of $1,000, but this amount can be much greater for government bonds.
What confuses many people is that the value is not the price of the bond. A bond’s price fluctuates throughout its life in response to a number of variables (more on this later). When a bond trades at a price above the face value, it is said to be selling at a discount.
Coupon (The Interest Rate)
The coupon is the amount the bondholder will receive as interest payments. It’s called a “coupon” because sometimes there are physical coupons on the bond that you tear off and redeem for interest. However, this was more common in the past. Nowadays, records are more likely to be kept electronically.
As previously mentioned, most bonds are pay interest every sixmonths, but its possible for them to pay monthly, quarterly, or annually. The coupon is expressed as a percentage of the par value. If a bond pays a coupon of 10% and its par value is $1,000, then it’ll pay $100 of interest a year.
A rate that stays as fixed percentage of the par value like this is a fixed-rate bond. Another possibility is an adjustable interest interest payment, known as a floating-rate bond. In this case the interest rate is tied to market rates through an index, such as the rate on Treasury bills.
You might think investors will pay more for a high coupon than for a low coupon. All things being equal, a lower coupon means that the price of the bond will fluctuate more.
The maturity date is the date in the future on which the investor’s principal will be repaid. Maturities can range from as little as one day to as long as 30 years (through terms of 100 years have been issued).
A bond that matures in one year is much more predictable and thus less risky than a bond that matures in 20 years. Therefore, in general, the longer the time to maturity, the higher the interest rate. Also, all things being equal, a longer term bond will fluctuate more than a shorter term bond.
The issuer of a bond is a crucial factor to consider, as the issuer’s stability is your main assurance of getting paid back. For example, the U.S. government is far more secure than any corporation. Its default risk (the chance of the debt not being paid back) is extremely small – so small that U.S government securities are known as risk-free assets.
The reason behind this is that a government will always be able to bring in future revenue through taxation. This added risk means corporate bonds must offer a higher yield in order to entice investors – this is the risk/return trade off in action.
For ordinary shareholders, not being able to manage the company isn’t such a big deal. The importance of being a shareholders is that you are entitled to a portion of the company’s profits and have a claim on assets. Profits are sometimes paid out in the form of dividends. The more shres you own, the larger the portion of the profits you get.
Your claim on assets is only relevant if a company goes bankrupt. In case of liquidation, you’ll receive what’s left after all the creditors have been paid. This last point is worth repeating: the importance of stock ownership is your claim on assets and earnings. Without this, the stock wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s printed on.
...Another extremely important feature of stock is its limited liability, which means that, as an owner of a stock, you are not personally liable if the company is not able to pay its debts. Other companies such as partnerships are set up so that if the partnership goes bankrupt the creditors can come after the partners (shareholders) personally and sell off their house, car, furniture, etc.
...Owning stock means that, no matter what, the maximum value you can lose is the value of your investment. Even if a company of which you are a shareholder goes bankrupt, you can never lose your personal assets.
Penasihat kewangan dan ramai jurulatih serta tokoh terkenal akan memberitahu anda yang untuk benar-benar mencapai kebebasan kewangan, anda mesti mempunyai pendapatan pasif yang cukup dan melebihi perbelanjaan anda. Bagus bunyinya, kan?...
Persoalannya sekarang ialah apakah dia pendapatan pasif dan bagaimana anda boleh memperolehinya?..
Bagi memudahkan, pendapatan boleh dibahagikan kepada empat kategori (walaupun ada yang kata lebih): pendapatan portfolio, pendapatan dituaskan, pendapatan aktif dan pendapatan pasif.
1 Pendapatan Aktif, seperti yang boleh anda bayangkan, adalah pendapatan yang memerlukan anda untuk muncul bagi mendapatkan upah, wang yang diperolehi hasil daripada tenaga dan masa individu itu sendiri. Inilah cara bagaimana kebanyakan orang menjalani kehidupan mereka – sebagai pekerja.
2 Pendapatan Portfolio merupakan faedah, dividend dan keuntungan modal yang datangnya daripada pemilikan saham, bon dan saham amanah.
3 Pendapatan dituaskan adalah dihasilkan apabila satu aktiviti daripadanya mampu menjana lebih banyak wang dengan menarik bilangan penonton yang disasarkan. Seorang penceramah di satu kursus atau persidangan sebagai contoh, mungkin sebolehnya berusaha untuk mengatur dan memberi ucapan kepada 20 orang seperti 1,000 orang tetapi boleh memperolehi lebih banyak wang dengan kumpulan yang lebih besar.
4 Pendapatan pasif ialah pendapatan yang memerlukan pelaburan awal terlebih dahulu dan kemudiannya terus mendapat pendapatan berterusan lagi dan lagi manakala penglibatan secara terus daripada pemilik bisnes makin berkurangan. Usaha awal ini seakan-akan anda mencipta mesin duit yang membawa masuk wang secara berterusan dengan penglibatan secara fizikal semakin berkurangan.
Seperti yang anda lihat, pendapatan aktif menghendaki dan memerlukan masa anda, walaupun anda boleh memperolehi kenaikan gaji dan juga kenaikan pangkat, pendapatan anda terhad kerana hanya terdapat anda seorang sahaja.
Dengan pendapatan pasif, bagaimanapun, anda boleh mencipta pendapatan dari pelbagai sumber dan terus untuk menambah lagi dan lagi mesin yang menjana wang.
Cuba kita lihat beberapa contoh yang boleh kita mulakan dalam usaha menghasilkan beberapa bentuk pendapatan pasif ini.
Ingat bahawa pendapatan pasif tidak semestinya bermaksud tiada langsung penglibatan daripada anda. Banyak kali ia melibatkan satu pelaburan awal yang besar, tetapi ia menghasilkan lebih minimum penglibatan fizikal pemilik diperlukan selepas mesin wang anda telah stabil.
Juga, hanya kerana anda membuat pendapatan aktif v pendapatan sekarang tidak bermakna anda patut terus berhenti kerja dan mula memasang mesin vendor seluruh tempat.
Untuk memulakan pelbagai sumber pendapatan pasif anda perlu untuk teruskan memperolehi pendapatan aktif dengan niat untuk menukarkan pendapatan tersebut kepada pendapatan pasif dengan membeli hartanah yang boleh disewa dan lain-lain.